Day: October 15, 2019

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Rivendell really likes Centos7. Not so Ubuntu 18.04

Category : Uncategorized

I am putting Rivendell and Centos 7 in a box. I haven’t been successful in running Rivendell reliably in a straight Ubuntu 18.04 LTS environment.

Back “in the day” there were a many Rivendell boxes working in Europe on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, but Centos7 is so baked into Rivendell, it just makes sense to run it in a virtual box under Linux Kernel Virtualization  (KVM) with Centos7 as guest running Ubuntu and Jack2 with Ubuntu 18.04LTS as host.

Too many of the libraries do not align between what Rivendell expects and what Ubuntu provides, particularly the QT version.  Centos7 is not a poor jack2 host – jack itself works well, but few of the jack utilities work, or work reliably in the Centos7 Environment.  We can do all the fancy stuff in Ubuntu and the bread and butter automation in the business oriented Centos7 world.

I will be updating this post as I get this up through production.  I have only a testbed playing now. There is some work to test whether Cloudmin is suitable for administering KVM in this context or not.

Check back soon.